Friday, July 11, 2014

Almost A Year

Hmm.. today's date is 11/07/2012.  Which means almost a year I didn't wrote a thing or even touch this my single blog. Fuh sana. Fuh sini. Nampak sangat dah berhabuk. Tu la... Orang rajin je yang rajin tulis blog. Me? Nawaitu tu memang dah ade. Buat nye memang tidak. Busy?

I dont think so. I actually dah habis my diploma since bulan 4 lagi. This year okay. It was only yesterday I received my transcript letter from the university management. I am officially.... um, what was that word? Finished? Ok, never mind that.

Almost 3 months but I didn't even update anything here until now. Well, like I said. Nawaitu je yang ada. And I FINALLY  wrote something on this blog. Itu pun sebab sedang menunggu video untuk di stream. Luckily I still got my skills on typing. Well, whatever. Who cares about that silly skill anyway..? Duhhh

Okay la guys. I tak tahu nak tulis ape lagi. Nanti ade idea, menulis blog lah saya. Huhu. I'll try my best this time. Bye

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