place : MRSM Terendak (a place like no other)
nostalgia of the beloved MRSM Terendak
sape yg akan lupe tempat kite main kejar2, lompat sana sini, dating sana sini, lari dari monyet lagi..
seyesly x tipu, ni la yg aku buat sepanjang berada kt tempat ni
nme je budak MRSM kn, prngai x ubah mcm budak2...dlu la skrg x eh, da mtg..a little
wahai putra putri bangsaku ayuh segera menuju
mengikut gerak langkuh maju
bersatu mencari ilmu
di zaman sains dan teknologi
negara perlukan jasamu
janganlah rasa malas lagi
bersatu memegang teraju
di maktab rendah sains MARA
tuntut ilmu jangan jemu
ikrar taat setia pada guru
berdisiplin selalu
hari ini hari mulanya hari esok berjaya
lengakapkan segala yang ada
ke kuliah kita segera
yay!!! ingat kn x hafal lagu dah lagu MRSM..
tp Alhamdulillah still tersemat dlam hati lagi even rongak2 pun last2 dapat jugak based on the youtube
hehehe...alah korang yang lain pun entah2 sme je kan..
dlu bukan main lagi time menyanyi kt perhimpunan hafal je
To me: terendak is like a school.. well, it is a school. more like to boarding school.
okay okay, mcm mana ep nk ckap. terendak ni... urmmm.....errrr...
the original penduduk of Terendak are...
the Monkeys
here, there, everywhere
these monkeys are REALLY CUTE!!! and kinda GATAL also
dats why they like to main kejar2 with the girls
especially yang bawa makanan
also, these monkeys are not random monkeys
they're kinda clever you know
one minute you are studying in class
and suddenly teacher said,
"nmpak gayanya ada orang nak belajar dengan kita"
and there's a cute tiny lil' monkey sitting by the window just outside the class
when you're going here make sure your eyes are wandering every corner
who knows, there might be 'seekor' which is interested in you
really, they are cute aren't they?
lemme tell u this:
its always a good time here
never have to look at you rear
we dont need to be fright
day and night its gonna be alright
here you'll learn
that its hard to walk on your own
we'll be together
through the highs and the lows
I remember a place once..
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dear beloved classmates.... |
eventhough there's so few boys but that did not stop us to share our freebies,
food especially...
I still remember during wktu rehat, everyone mesti tny, "kt teres makan ape?"
if its something delicious, we will go and eat together..thats one of the sweetest memories
remember when...
- time pandidikan Islam kite kne hafal surah luqman yg panjang gile tu, not many yg ingat awal2, tp kte saling backup dgn baca kuat2
- ingat time kite main bola baling, class kite champion sbb the teamwork of us
- in every class kite, dalam ramai2 tu mesti akan ade orng yg bawak mknan n then share with all the classmates
- everytime ada birthday someone kite mesti pkat rmai2 untuk kne kan bday boy/girl tu
- time bio mostly kite tido sbb... well, u know what its like (no offence teacher)
nevertheless, we'll cherish our sweet moments together until like...forever I guess
next, the fighting crew... Taekwondo club
eversince I was born I feel like I was bound to this sport (knon nye lah)
Naahhh, thats just a feelin, but thanx to my dad who introduced me with this, n
abg Firdaus Goh whom trained me since I started entering the tournament in 2006 (form 1)
I never run away from the pain again, even though it hurts a lot, but its actually fun when you're hurting me.
you'll smile when your opponent making 'outch' and 'oww' faces when you kick 'em
beloved homeroom members
yeah, she's a great mom with a nick name we called her, Mama Aza
she took care of us from the day we step in and become a rightfull MRSM Terendak student until our last school days
nk keluar kan duit - mama aza
result exam teruk, kne mara - mama aza
buat kes, kne nasihat - mama aza
hari sukan, cheering for us - mama aza
personal problems, share with - mama aza
everything - mama aza
to me personally, i really liked her a lot. besides, she and my aunt got the same face.
my bestest among my best friend
Nor Farhana Bt Che Azhar
we were closed since like, form 3 and we did everything together, I got her back, and she got mine.
of course they were a few fights between us, but thats a normal thing for best friend
we shared a lot of things together, LDP, Captain Block, Taekwondo, class treasurer and more
I've been to her place, and she's been to mine , and we've gone out together....
as long as I remember her, and still have her number, we are gonna be best friends, til the end
thats SYIREEN in black
my outmost hilarious roomate
eventhough we shared the room in just one year, our bond forever.
I miss the crazy things we did together in our bedroom, right Syireen?
Syhh...its our little secret. hehehe
the other girl in blue is RANINA, or better known as RAN
I think her name is unique though
rainbow's her favourite and she's too in taekwondo team
she's one fun girl with various crazy and lousy ideas too
together as besties, we'll have the world as a fun themepark
crazy, insane, hilarious, funny, mean, outrageous
thats what makes us
this is Fatin Syazwani a.k.a. GEK
she's cute and small
but thats not gonna stop her big mouth to shut
looks from the outside like an evil queen of snow white, trying to give you a poison apple
but once you get to know her, she's just a naturally sweet girl
currently studying at UiTM Puncak Alam and her best friend there
is my former best friend in primary school days, Aisyah Munirah
the world is so small after all
remembering yellow, the colour of glory
well, our glory actually, not because of the royal Malaysian colour, but the colour of
Rumah Mansur Shah
has been the champion for almost a decade, but not a decade
luckily, during my batch conquer the school, we (Mansurian)
manage to get the first place in our annual sports day
which is a big deal as we continue the tradition of being the champion
as for me, although I only manage to score a bronze that year
I'm still satisfied with my title
The Mansur Cheerleader
thanx to that akak when I was in form 1, she made me to be one
and that title remains until I was form 5
I wonder if I ever got replaced???
all in all....the schooling days have past
and we have so much awaits in the future
of course, we were suppose to live our life ahead
but whats the crime of reminding the past, is it?
its just something that you could never buy it anywhere
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