Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Last Minute Raya Shopping

Assalamualaikum and Haloo everyone!
Ramadan has end, Syawal is now here... Suppose we all should be sad lah kan as Ramadan is the Best month in Islamic calendar. But thats that. And we can do nothing about it.

Siang tadi I finally had the chance to shop for hari raya all by myself. I was like Yay! The whole Aeon building is mine. And I also think today's my lucky day. I dont know why. Maybe cuz I got to puasa penuh kot this year. Haha.. If you know what I mean. But seriously, this year I had the chance to puasa penuh. So, lucky me!!!

Okay. As a girl..nafsu shopping itu harus lah kuat..and I bought quite a lot of things for myself. lagi2 bile ade 'TREAT'..hehe. A sudden quite large sum of money, lagi la make me go crazy.. I wanna buy this and I wanna buy that.

And I got myself a few shirts, make ups and accesories and of course, my personal favourite things, Shoes!! And you know wat? I got excited sangat2 dapat shopping macam ni sampai kan x perasan sumthing.

Bile sampai rumah, around 2pm like that, my lil sister, Syazwin Marissa take a look at my shoes. And then u know what she said..?

"Kakak, kenapa kasut ni dia lain-lain?"

And I was like, oh dear..

At first in my mind maybe ade sumthing tercabut or anything like that. But its worse than that. The shoes didn't match each other. The left shoe is the design that I want, and the other is the one I didn't want. Sebelah lain, sebelah pun lain. I think maybe becuz the salesgirl tadi terletak the previous shoe yg I pilih, tp xde size, so I go with my second choice..which is quite alike in colour. 

Lastly I pun keluar lah balik, pagi shopping complex tu, tukar kasut. Nasib baik lah 5 minutes drive je. I feel so nervous that I even checked it again and again and again and again. Upon the opportunity I nk keluar, my mum pun pesan lah ini dan itu. Hahaha..kesian betul saya ini.

The best part is I get to meet my long lost friend, Nik Farah Dayana! She's doing part time at some kind of  sushi restaurant. Chat with her for a while until a chinese man stare at me for talking so long with my friend, the waitress. Huhu....Sorry dude. I just miss my old bestie.

Thats it! Tonight my project is to be a Mak Andam. Which is I'm very poor at. Luckily I got 2 models to become my prey. Haha..First time trying to play with eyeshadows. Failed. Now I don't know if I want to wear it tomorrow. Takut people will be scared of my appearence.

Well, I think I'll decide tomorrow to wear or not to wear. Rite now I wanna take my beauty sleep. Everythings gotta be perfect tomorrow! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

results are out!

hey every one..yeah dah lama sangat2 kot x update blog ni. currently sedang bercuti on end of term..
can you believe it? next sem i will be on the 5th semester of diploma?! like, gosh that was super fast.

you wanna know, recently i received the examination result for my last semester. and its kinda like, so-so la..there's gud news and also bad news. tp bukan itu yg i nk cakap rite now. Okay maybe you all COULD be wondering whats my pointer rite now. i'm no a super-DIVA, miss POPular or whatever it is like that, Yeah i know.

Sooo sorry la guys tp i tak cakap my pointer. Well at least not in public. Okay the thing is I want to congratulate all those kids yg dpt the WANTED...

Dean List



Keep up the good work..

To all yg not so bad or kinda like so-so...

don't worry guys.. Next sem kan ada chance lagi..
Kalau dapat merasa Dean List sekali pun mybe cukup la kan??

the story is here i wanna share is about a someone that i really care about. so sape2 yg x minat love story ni just...Fuh....blew away. Hehe....just kidding.
okay i study with him
i study with him
i study with him

some person maybe akan kata yang i ni xde orang lain ke nak hang out? macam x de kawan lain. like most of my time study dengan dia je. well, what can i say. =-P

yup..i'm not lying. Pagi keluar pg study around pukul 10..around the clock study sampai waktu asar. solat zohor of course la x miss. then my favourite time of the day. LUNCH. won't miss it for the world. 
then after isyak, keluar lagi study. Of course la dekat somewhere yang ramai orang. Niat da pasang baik2 ok study. lepas tu balik tido. mmg x ade la late night study sampai pukul 3-4 pagi macam biasa budak U buat. konon study smart la..ikut jadual.

and the routine stays the same for 7 days, almost 3 weeks kot. kadang2 on the exam days tu pun study jugak. macam refresh memory la sikit.

Seriously, i admit. Seumur hidup, i XPERNAH 


study segila tu setiap hari utk 3 minggu berturut-turut. and also ade la jugak terpikir nk mintak break kejap sehari. tp takut kena denied la. Sedih betul. Tp, i kuat kn semangat jugak, sbb dia ni.
i study gile2 mcm ni, sbb kn dia. sbb dia nk i ajar dia. so i kne la study dlu kn klu nk ajar orang?

so study la.....
in the end..bile dapat tahu result.. i was in great shock.
result dia lagi tinggi from mine..

i was like this and he was like that

sbb all these time my pointer is slightly higher than his. 

i was shock sbb all these time kitorang study, suppose to be like, I'm the lecturer and he's my student...senang cerita i la yang patut ajar.

then bile keluar result tinggi die lagi drp mine..and this makes me realise that he's improving better and better everyday. how could i not notice this thing happens?? 

tp ap yang penting, i wrote this bukan sbb i was angry or jealous or envy dgn awak.

okay la maybe ade la jealous sikit.

I just wanna say, 

that I'm so proud of you.

and saya x pelik kalau one day awak akan dapat


and i will always be there to help you.
P/s : u gotta help me too